Nome e cognome
Irene Coltrinari
Job title
Beauty Editor da Vogue Italia
Speaker Bio
e Coltrinari è Beauty Editor da Vogue Italia, dove supporta la redazione ad analizzare le ultime tendenze e ad approfondire tematiche sociali legate a moda e bellezza per ampliare il diametro delle conversazioni culturali attorno ad esse. Il suo focus è sulle nuove generazioni di creativi che esprimono identità e caratteristiche culturali attraverso contaminazioni tra diverse categorie di discipline artistiche. Durante il suo percorso di studi ha approfondito l’interesse per la storia e l’aspetto socio-antropologico della moda con un MA in Fashion Studies con specializzazione Strategy for Fashion Management dopo un percorso di studi in Lingue Orientali. È stata precedentemente coordinatrice dei contenuti editoriali e copywriter per testate indipendenti a tema moda, beauty, attualità e lifestyle. È affascinata dai linguaggi creativi verbali e visuali, beve solo caffè americano, vorrebbe smettere di leggere l'oroscopo. Non l'ha ancora fatto.
Irene Coltrinari is Beauty Editor at Vogue Italia, where she supports the editorial and commercial staff in analyzing latest trends and exploring social issues related fashion and beauty to broaden the cultural conversation around the topics. Her focus is on new generations of creatives who express cultural identities and characteristics through contaminations between different categories of artistic disciplines. During her studies, she deepened her interest in the history and socio-anthropological aspect of fashion with an MA in Fashion Studies with a specialisation in Strategy for Fashion Management after a minor in Oriental Languages. She was previously an editorial content coordinator and copywriter for independent fashion, beauty, current affairs and lifestyle magazines. She is fascinated by verbal and visual creative languages, only drinks American coffee and would like to stop reading horoscopes. She just hasn't done it yet.
Irene Coltrinari is Beauty Editor at Vogue Italia, where she supports the editorial and commercial staff in analyzing latest trends and exploring social issues related fashion and beauty to broaden the cultural conversation around the topics. Her focus is on new generations of creatives who express cultural identities and characteristics through contaminations between different categories of artistic disciplines. During her studies, she deepened her interest in the history and socio-anthropological aspect of fashion with an MA in Fashion Studies with a specialisation in Strategy for Fashion Management after a minor in Oriental Languages. She was previously an editorial content coordinator and copywriter for independent fashion, beauty, current affairs and lifestyle magazines. She is fascinated by verbal and visual creative languages, only drinks American coffee and would like to stop reading horoscopes. She just hasn't done it yet.
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