Nome e cognome
Alessia Crivelli
Job title
Direttore Generale di Crivelli
Speaker Bio
Alessia Crivelli, Direttore Generale di Crivelli, nata e cresciuta a Valenza, ha fatto delle sue radici il suo futuro. Terminati gli studi, già all'età di 20 anni aveva capito che la passione per questo mondo l'avrebbe condotta verso l'attività di famiglia. E’ così che ha iniziato ad occuparsi del taglio di pietre preziose per poi proseguire con dedizione all’interno dell’azienda Crivelli.
L’amore e la passione l'hanno trasformata in colei che, oggi, tramanda l'heritage e il patrimonio del Made in Italy valenzano alle generazioni che un giorno prenderanno le redini di questo settore, rinnovando le maestranze e la passione per questo mestiere, attraverso incarichi istituzionali nel settore della gioielleria.
“L'amore per il mio lavoro, per le mie radici mi porta a voler trasmettere questa passione al mondo intero, affinché possa continuare e rinnovarsi con le generazioni future”. Oggi i titoli di Vicepresidente di Confindustria Federorafi con delega alla formazione, Presidente della Fondazione Mani Intelligenti e Presidente del Gruppo Aziende Orafe di Confindustria Alessandria sono la riprova di tutto l’importante lavoro compiuto in questi anni continuando a percorrere la stessa strada con l'impegno e la dedizione di sempre.
Alessia Crivelli, Managing Director of Crivelli, was born and raised in Valenza and has made her roots into her future. Once she had completed her studies, at the age of 20, she was already aware that her passion for this world would lead her in the direction of the family business. This is how she began working in the precious-stone cutting area and then continued her professional career with dedication within the Crivelli company. Her love and passion have transformed her into the person she is today, a person who hands down the heritage and tradition of Made in Italy from the Valenza region to future generations, who will one day take up the reins of this
industry, and thereby contributing to the revitalisation of craftsmanship and passion for this industry, through her work in institutional roles in the jewellery sector. “My love for my work, for my roots, is what drives my desire to transmit this passion to the whole world, so that it can continue and reinvent itself with future generations”. Today, the titles of Vice President of the Federorafi Federation of Italian Industry in charge of training and education,
President of the Mani Intelligenti (Intelligent Hands) Foundation and President of the Goldsmith Companies Group of the Federation of Italian Industry of Alessandria are proof of all the important work she has done in recent years, while continuing to follow her early path with the same steadfast commitment and dedication as always.
L’amore e la passione l'hanno trasformata in colei che, oggi, tramanda l'heritage e il patrimonio del Made in Italy valenzano alle generazioni che un giorno prenderanno le redini di questo settore, rinnovando le maestranze e la passione per questo mestiere, attraverso incarichi istituzionali nel settore della gioielleria.
“L'amore per il mio lavoro, per le mie radici mi porta a voler trasmettere questa passione al mondo intero, affinché possa continuare e rinnovarsi con le generazioni future”. Oggi i titoli di Vicepresidente di Confindustria Federorafi con delega alla formazione, Presidente della Fondazione Mani Intelligenti e Presidente del Gruppo Aziende Orafe di Confindustria Alessandria sono la riprova di tutto l’importante lavoro compiuto in questi anni continuando a percorrere la stessa strada con l'impegno e la dedizione di sempre.
Alessia Crivelli, Managing Director of Crivelli, was born and raised in Valenza and has made her roots into her future. Once she had completed her studies, at the age of 20, she was already aware that her passion for this world would lead her in the direction of the family business. This is how she began working in the precious-stone cutting area and then continued her professional career with dedication within the Crivelli company. Her love and passion have transformed her into the person she is today, a person who hands down the heritage and tradition of Made in Italy from the Valenza region to future generations, who will one day take up the reins of this
industry, and thereby contributing to the revitalisation of craftsmanship and passion for this industry, through her work in institutional roles in the jewellery sector. “My love for my work, for my roots, is what drives my desire to transmit this passion to the whole world, so that it can continue and reinvent itself with future generations”. Today, the titles of Vice President of the Federorafi Federation of Italian Industry in charge of training and education,
President of the Mani Intelligenti (Intelligent Hands) Foundation and President of the Goldsmith Companies Group of the Federation of Italian Industry of Alessandria are proof of all the important work she has done in recent years, while continuing to follow her early path with the same steadfast commitment and dedication as always.
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